Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Social Implications in the IT Industry

Hello Bloggers,

I want to imform you about the social implications of communicating in the IT industry.

Positive Effects of IT Industry
Negative Effects of IT Industry
-Get in contact with people you don’t talk to a lot
-People don’t talk face to face
-Emailing people you can attach documents
-People email each other when they are so close to each other (5metres)
-You can promote products via internet
-People talk to strangers!
-Homework can be set online this is good for teachers
-It changes peoples terms e.g. slang
-News and updates are always available on the internet and the 24 hour news
-It distracts you in school e.g. texting.
-You can also get into contact with your family in a different country
-People become unfit because they don’t exercise being distracted by the latest technology
You can always stay connected
-It increases crime as technology can be very valuable e.g. expensive phones.

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