Tuesday 5 July 2011

Social Implications in the IT Industry

Hello Bloggers,

I want to imform you about the social implications of communicating in the IT industry.

Positive Effects of IT Industry
Negative Effects of IT Industry
-Get in contact with people you don’t talk to a lot
-People don’t talk face to face
-Emailing people you can attach documents
-People email each other when they are so close to each other (5metres)
-You can promote products via internet
-People talk to strangers!
-Homework can be set online this is good for teachers
-It changes peoples terms e.g. slang
-News and updates are always available on the internet and the 24 hour news
-It distracts you in school e.g. texting.
-You can also get into contact with your family in a different country
-People become unfit because they don’t exercise being distracted by the latest technology
You can always stay connected
-It increases crime as technology can be very valuable e.g. expensive phones.

Friday 1 July 2011

My Personal View: Social Implications of IT. Share yours!

Dear Bloggers,

I think there are disadvantages and advantages to everything.
Therefore I think people can actually get bullied using email or Facebook and being misunderstood through email therefore getting very angry and sad.
On the other hand, advantages of a blog for example, is being able to communicate with everyone globally and updating regularly. Also I could help others and treat it like a diary: sharing personal experiences.

Are people in potiential threat of using of communicating via IT?!
Please give your feedback below.

Social Implications of IT when communicating.

Hello Bloggers,

Sophia is back today. Today we are going to be addressing the fact that there are many negativities when using IT when communicating.

Ways of communicating electronically
You will need internet for this which will cost money.
You have to sign up for it.
Viruses may occur if you open up an email (pop-ups)
Email can become impersonal or misunderstood.

Sometimes facebook can mess up, and you appear offline which can get you or other people agitated.
There are errors on the page therefore you can’t open it.
You need internet (it’ll cost you)
You have to regularly update a blog.
People may write negative comments which will get you upset or angry.
Instant messaging
Cyber bullying may occur because you can open up different chat rooms.
You need internet which will cost you.

From Super Sophia :D

Tuesday 28 June 2011

8 Tips On Presentation Skills

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Today I'm going to give you guys some easy quick tips to make your presentations easy to watch and understand.

Have energy whilst talking therefore the audience can feel this too! And really pay attention to you so all the focus is on you.

Use gestures when presenting as it is very powerful, it shows the audience how dedicated you are to the topic you are discussing.

Avoid reading what exactly what is on the screen.

Make sure you use eye contact

Really project your voice so the audience can hear you speak loudly but clearly.

Use note cards to remind you of what you are saying. Make sure though, they are short notes and not full sentences.

If you need to emphasize a point, repeat it again to make it even stronger and so it will go across the audience clearly.

Practice this presentation and the skills above so that you ensure youself of presenting a well organised presentation.
There is a video above which have some tips.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

5 a day is the ultimate way! [;

Hey, I'm back fellow bloggers =D. I know you missed me very much [; -lol.
Right, you guys may be thinking why should we eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day? Is it even important? Well I've listed some reasons below why we all should - everyday.

Five Reasons To Get Five Portions
Give 5 a day a go.
  • Fruit and vegetables taste delicious and there's so much variety to choose from.
  • They're a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C and potassium.
  • They're an excellent source of  fibre, which helps maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems. A diet high in fibre can also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.
  • They can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
  • Fruit and vegetables contribute to a healthy and balanced diet.
Did you know people in the UK have a 1 in 3 chance of developing cancer at some time in their lives. Eating 5 portions of different fruit and vegetables a day can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease or cancer. Don't let this affect you, we can be the 2 in 3 people who does NOT get affected. Come on guys! All it takes is to make sure you are having them portions of fruit and veg.

There's always a solution.

Maybe you're not bothered to eat 5 WHOLE portions of fruit or veg. Instead, what you should do is cut fruits into smaller pieces such as an apple into thin slices, drink juices or even better home-made juices and tell your parents to include some vegetables into your dishes or fruits in your desserts/puddings.

Eating 5 a day is excellent as it means you are getting a good variety of vitamins and minerals. And if you were wondering... A portion of fruit/veg is roughly equal to what can fit into your hand. I have included a link for you guys below about 5 a day portion sizes.

The purple dragonfruit on the right,
white dragonfruit on the left.
My 5 a day. :]

I love eating fruits. Especially exotic asian fruits such as dragon fruit, lychees, jack fruit and mungoosteen. There's so much more but you wouldn't want to hear me making lists and babbling on about it, lol. =]
They are so exquiste especially when are they eaten cold. My absolute fav is dragon fruit, it's expensive in normal supermarkets so I suggest buy it in a chinese or vietnamese store if you can. I recently heard there is a purple one, my Grandma in Vietnam had told me it was so pretty and tasted even sweeter than the white one. ;o. I badly want to taste it. Sadly I haven't seen it here yet.
Sometimes I eat fruit salads I love the juice of them :].

Try out different ways of eating your 5 a day! Explore your culture.

What have you tried out, any particular desserts dish you have tried including fab fruits?  Comment below, I would love to hear it =]

Super Sophia x

Tuesday 18 January 2011

60 mins of excercise won't hurt.

Are you not fit? Not bothered to exercise? Read on :]

Believe it or not, chores WILL help!
To be fit you should take it step by step - one step at a time. It doesn't mean you have to spend hours and hours in a gym. You can do daily activities to help you exercise a bit. Such as doing chores like mopping, vacuuming and gardening. Probably you guys dread doing chores, but at least when you are doing it, you know it ultimately benefits you.

It doesn't matter if you can't run miles and miles the first time. I suggest walking, not only it sheds calories but it helps you calm down. Did you know it is considered the best choice of exercise to do, as it doesn't require any training also you can do it anywhere and anytime - how convenient! Walk after you eat it helps you digest better and keeps you less bloated. It is stress free and a bit of fresh air for yourself.

Why not with a friend?
You'll feel less lonely and more motivated.
Experts recommend 60 minutes at least of exercise a day and 4 times a week. Is this boring to you? Split up your exercising. Maybe 10 minutes of walking in the morning. 20 minutes later and so on. But you don't have to just walk. Do other things such as dancing to your favourite Beyonce hit, jogging up and down stairs in your house (this really helps), swimming and going to the court with your friends playing a bit of tennis. Bring your friend along because then you'll be in it together. Everyone has their individual choice of excercise, so do what you are most comfortable with.

Sing along to music
while going for a jog.
Just try it out at first. Trust me when I had a thought of me EXERCISING, I thought no way. But anyway I gave it a shot, and at my amazement I was happier, feeling healthy and stress-free. And that was JUST a 10 minute walk and it had gave me all these good feelings. I can't go anywhere exercising without my comfy trainers, iPod and my bottle of water.  Listening to music was my friend's idea - I can't believe I didn't think of this GENIUS idea in the beginning. When I listen to music the time flies by so quick.

Be comfortable - the key thing is to feel this.
If you can't do 60 minutes of exercise, don't worry! You will get there, I believe in you. Just keep trying and never give up. Remember to keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water.

Comment below and tell me if you have tried or you have issues with exercising, I'll get back at you asap!

Good Luck Fellow Friends. [; 

Super Sophia x

Monday 17 January 2011

Sleep: The Missing Link.

Hello Guys, Super Sophia is back! =D
With more and better advice for YOU.

Not just exercising and eating balanced is the way to a healthy lifestyle - even though they are a great way!

Sleep - It's guaranteed to
make you more jolly! :D
The missing link is sleeping. The recommended amount of sleep we should get is a minimum 8 hours.
Getting sleep plays a huge role in your moods. Think about it - about when you didn't get enough sleep, was you moody or not yourself? Don't worry because that is typical of the lack of sleep. Back in the day when I went school people kept thinking I was crying because my eyes were full of tears as I was exhausted. My teachers saw me as a 'sleepyhead' as I couldn't keep my head off the table. /:

If you have a good night sleep, our clever brain produces chemical reacions that help the immune system to fight off the bad bacteria and other harmful elements. Days to weeks, when sleep is back on track the body fights off sickness that is building up much, much better! On the other hand, if you suffer from sleeping problems you're at risk falling ill due to weak immune system.
Lacking sleep also means weight gain. Don't let this happen to you!
When I was your age I loved sleeping but not going to bed early. This will affect you later on, so make a change now!

Having trouble sleeping? /:
Here's some facts and advice on how to get a good night sleep.

-It's only natural. Most of us have a natural dip in alertness between 2 - 4pm, so don't worry if you think you didn't get enough of sleep. Have a 15-20 min nap - avoid sleeping longer, it'll make you feel worse when you wake up.
-Set a regular bedtime and wake up time. Resist the urge to sleep in longer than normal; getting up on schedule keeps your body in its normal wake-up routine
-Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant which can make you stay up for hours and hours!! So avoid sources of caffeine such as coffee, chocolate, fizzy drinks and non-herbal tea.
-Watch what you eat. If you get the munchies close to bedtime, eat something that triggers the hormone seronin, which makes you sleepy. Carbohydrates such as bread or cereal will do the trick. 
-Consult a doctor. Only do this if you can't sleep night after night, it could normally be treated quickly and effectively.

Quick Facts About Benefits of Sleep

-Naps Make You Smarter
-Sleep Helps the Body Make Repairs
-Sleep May Reduce Your Risk for Depression
-Sleep Makes You More Alert
-Sleep May Prevent Cancer

A Little Reminder...

Remember being healthy means having a happy, healthy MOOD and appearence. Make sure you put yourself first and put in a sleeping schedule. Sleeping little can mean big, black and puffy circles.
Sleeping pills will not help progression of sleep quality in fact it will give you the opposite effect and worsen the situation. Avoid them at all costs. It will only temporily fix your sleeping pattern instead of improving.

If a happy healthy lifestyle is your goal that you want to accomplish. Make sure sleeping is on your list.

Stay in tune for more coming...

Super Sophia is going to take a nap now.

Sunday 16 January 2011

It's Not Too Late, Turn Your Life Around - Obesity.

Being fat made me lose confidence,
could've given me diabetes AND
potentially could of knocked 10 yrs off
my life.
 My Personal Story.

Those of you who read my blog may know me by 'Super Sophia'. But I weren't so 'Super' when I was overweight. Being fat just made me so depressed. Lucky me I had my friends and family along me the whole way. The doctor told me if I had continued the way I was living I would shorten my life expectancy by 10 years. I was horrified at this, I had to find ways on turning healthy quick! The Doctor was also shocked to see me not to have diabeties. I felt like I was one of the luckiest people alive. So I'm going to help you guys who feel this way, don't worry I know just how you feel.

I have been known to avoid attending family reunions or get-togethers because of my weight. I have lost weight and I have gained weight. I have dieted and I have binged. However, I don’t binge anymore and I don't “diet” anymore. What’s my secret?

My Secret: Skipping Meals Won't Help You Lose Weight.

What  works for me is to be balanced in what foods I eat and exercise is the priority. Check out my post about having a healthy eating plan.
Do not ever skip meals because you want to lose weight. It'll only worsen the situation.
Why not? Because you'll get hungry.
Result? Hunger will crush your willpower to lose weight
And you'll binge on cookies!

It is best to eat throughout the day whenever you are hungry. Do not deny your body the food it needs to function. The trick is to have smaller meals along with two or three snacks throughout the day. It is surprising how an apple, a chunk of cheese, or handful of peanuts will energize you and give you just the boost needed to stay on task. Bring a packet of fruit with you to school, a fruit juice or smoothie. So then you won't be tempted to stop at the shop to buy a bar of chocolate.

If you deprive your body of nourishment for too many hours when meal time finally comes around you'll overeat. That's not a good idea. If you deprive your body of nourishment for too many hours when meal time finally comes around you'll overeat. That's not a good idea. 

Bad Effects & Facts of Obesity.

Around one in four men and one in three women in the UK are overweight, according to government statistics. Around one in three children between the ages of 2 and 15 are overweight. While in total more girls than boys are overweight, a greater number of boys are obese.
  • 14 per cent of boys are overweight.
  • 17 per cent of girls are overweight.
  • 19 per cent of boys are obese.
  • 18 per cent of girls are obese.
Also this can lead to medical conditions as well as day-to-day activities. Such as you wouldn't be able to walk properly without your thighs rubbing agaisnt each other, being out of breath and so on.
Medical conditions are more serious as you are putting your life on the line. Being obese can lead to some types of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure... you get the picture right? Life would be bad.
So like me, get yourself into healthy habits - it's never to late to turn your life around. Exercise and eating healthily, this will have a positive effect on you.
By eating less than your body needs and exercising more, you force your body to use its existing fat stores for energy. By burning excess fat, you lose weight.

Come on team, don't feel strange make a change! [;

Good Luck
Super Sophia x

Saturday 15 January 2011

Balanced Eating, the key to life.

You want to be healthy, it doesn't mean you have to live on just salads and carrot sticks.
At first my definition of a "balanced eating" was to lay off all the comfort foods we all love. Straight away I was eating salads, don't get me wrong this is healthy but it needs to be balanced.

The little step you guys need to take is just to move towards a healthy eating plan. Including eating more fruit, vegetables, bread, cereals and pasta.
You don't need to be a professional chef to cook up delicious meals and desserts.

Why should we eat balanced?  
  1. A balanced eating plan helps to stay healthy
  2. Makes our body function properly
  3. Keeps us fit and healthy
  4. Prevents us from certain diseases e.g. heart disease
  5. It helps us live for a long time
Meat, dairy, fruits/veg, fats/sugar & carbohydrates. 
  • Meat - eat 2 to 3 servings a day.                                                                                               
  • Dairy - eat 3 servings a day.
  • fruits/vegs - eat 5 or more servings a day.
  • fats/sugar - 2 and a half servings a day.
  • carbohydrates - 3 to 5 servings a day.

Brilliant breakfasts

Breakfast is a very important meal. You’ve probably heard that before, but want to know why?
After going 10 - 12 hours overnight without food, your energy reserves are low. Your body and brain now need fuel!
Breakfast keeps you going until lunchtime. This helps you do better at school. It also stops you feeling hungry mid-morning. This is the danger zone when you might be tempted to eat crisps or chocolate at break time!

How will you ‘break the fast’ of the night?                                  Here are some healthy brekkie ideas to kick-start your day

  • Pick porridge, muesli, wheat or bran cereals with semi-skimmed milk. Try to avoid cereals with added sugar and fat. 
  • Boil an egg and have it with wholemeal bread soldiers. 
  • Launch your day with a lean grilled bacon sandwich.
  • Make fab fruit smoothies with plain low fat yoghurt or semi-skimmed milk. 

Smart Snacks
If you are hungry mid-day, make sure your snack is at least a healthy one! Don't snack TOO much.
  • A pot of low fat yoghurt [pick your favourite flavour! :D]
  • Apple slices dipped in yoghurt or peanut butter.
  • A small pot of dessert mousse
This could stop you from stopping at the shops on the way home reaching for junk foods. But you can have a 'pic'n'mix' once in a while. 

Lovely Lunch.

Your lunch-box should contain: 
  • Carbohydrates, 
  • Some salad and a piece of fruit.
  • A bit of dairy such as yoghurt, yoghurt drink, low-fat yoghurt and a piece of cheese.
  • A drink - avoid fizzy drinks and go for a flavoured water or fruit juice.
School meals? 
Try and eat the healthier meals. Here's what you should take and leave.

                               Take                                                   Leave 

Jacket potatoes with baked beans or cottage cheeseRoast Potatoes
Pasta with tomato saucesChips
Hot pots, stews and casserolesPasta with creamy sauces
Baked, grilled or steamed fishFish in batter or breadcrumbs
Vegetable bakesFried chicken or chicken nuggets
Tuna, chicken or ham saladPizza
Vegetable curry with boiled riceSausage Rolls

Dinner delights

Dinner doesn't have to be massive. Your body does not need a mountain of food before you go to bed. This is because you won’t need much energy while you sleep.
The majority of food should be eaten during the day, this fuel keeps you going throughout the day.

Steps to a decent dinner:

  1. Start with carbohydrates like pasta, noodles, rice, potatoes, yam, plantain.
  2. Throw in lots of vegetables or salads. Aim to eat different vegetables with every dinner. Try steaming and stir frying to keep all the goodness in.
  3. Then add protein such as lean meats, poultry, eggs, fish, reduced fat cheese, beans, nuts or pulses.
  4. Use healthy cooking methods like grilling, baking, steaming or boiling.
  5. Finish off with a nice and healthy pudding!

Prize-Winning Desserts.
  • Fresh fruit salad 
  • Fruit sorbet
  • Rice pudding
  • Frozen yoghurt

Scrumptious Recipes you guys should try out. 

Remember You don't need to be a professional chef to cook up delicious meals and desserts.
I love something with chicken in it so I tend to prepare a Vietnamese style chicken salad for lunch. It is long lasting, smells tasty, looks like a beauty and it is mouth-watering as soon as you see it prepared. For every lunch meal I always have to have a fruit salad and smoothie.
You must be thinking I will get bored of this? Well I won't because the simple solution is to change the fruits and flavour of the smoothie.
I have put in a link below about this chicken based, scrumptious recipe. Trust me it's beautiful, try it out.

Turn your fav fruit into a
refreshing smoothie!
Have an exotic smoothie. It's quick and cheap, what more could you want? =D.
Mango is my favourite! But if you don't like these fruits pop to the local shop and get some.
Sometimes I add bananas too - to make it the ultimate, thick and tasty smoothie. It never gets old, when I drink this, for a moment I feel like I'm tasting a bit of India. Where the freshest mangoes were born. My friends and family absolutely loved this smoothie made by me. And they're not just saying they love it because they're close to me [;. It's just so easy to make, go ahead and try it out! I included a link down below if you want to find out more about this natural and lovely drink.
For more tasty recipes click Teen Recipes.

You guys should really try eating a bit of everything. Don't eat things that are deep fried because there's always an alternative way of cooking it. Such as putting it under the grill or oven. Now you know some imformation on eating balanced, go ahead and start eating this way.

Stay Healthy,

Super Sophia,x

Friday 14 January 2011

RUN FOR FUN. - Charity Event

You will feel GREAT
once completed your
charity run.

I've had a brilliant idea!!
How about everyone goes out and do a sponsored walk or run?
It may sound long and boring. But you have weeks to prepare for it and also, you can add your own touch of fun to things. You'll gain so much out of this. Not only raising money but keeping yourself fit! Reward yourself with this. =D


Think about it, it's for a great cause, it keeps you healthy and active. Running for a charity will give you an enormous sense of satisfaction from the knowledge that you are helping others.
It can be fun, tell your friends and family to tag along. 
  • Walk and talk or
  • Run for fun [;

Bless the kids [:
This is the charity I'm running for.

There are millions out there. 
I'm going to run for my secondary school I used to go to, all the money I raise will be going to the charity CAFOD and Sister Ann will be giving the money to an area in Kenya.

Go out there, give it a go and look for your local charity.
Help others and get involved! =]

I wish you the best,

Super Sophia x

Thursday 13 January 2011

Hello & Welcome All Bloggers! =]

Super Sophia [;
Hi Guys! Here's a little intro into my blog.
My name is Sophia; I'm an expert -in the making- about a healthy and most importantly HAPPY Life.
Blogging is addictive, fun and cool - So I will be keeping you updated all day and everyday. [;

If you don't feel comfortable about yourself and you feel that people are  talking behind your back about either being to skinny or too fat and not feeling healthy overall...
Don't worry because I will guide you, be by your side to help you with all of these problems. I know EXACTLY how you feel. It's Super Sophia to your rescue! =]