Tuesday 18 January 2011

60 mins of excercise won't hurt.

Are you not fit? Not bothered to exercise? Read on :]

Believe it or not, chores WILL help!
To be fit you should take it step by step - one step at a time. It doesn't mean you have to spend hours and hours in a gym. You can do daily activities to help you exercise a bit. Such as doing chores like mopping, vacuuming and gardening. Probably you guys dread doing chores, but at least when you are doing it, you know it ultimately benefits you.

It doesn't matter if you can't run miles and miles the first time. I suggest walking, not only it sheds calories but it helps you calm down. Did you know it is considered the best choice of exercise to do, as it doesn't require any training also you can do it anywhere and anytime - how convenient! Walk after you eat it helps you digest better and keeps you less bloated. It is stress free and a bit of fresh air for yourself.

Why not with a friend?
You'll feel less lonely and more motivated.
Experts recommend 60 minutes at least of exercise a day and 4 times a week. Is this boring to you? Split up your exercising. Maybe 10 minutes of walking in the morning. 20 minutes later and so on. But you don't have to just walk. Do other things such as dancing to your favourite Beyonce hit, jogging up and down stairs in your house (this really helps), swimming and going to the court with your friends playing a bit of tennis. Bring your friend along because then you'll be in it together. Everyone has their individual choice of excercise, so do what you are most comfortable with.

Sing along to music
while going for a jog.
Just try it out at first. Trust me when I had a thought of me EXERCISING, I thought no way. But anyway I gave it a shot, and at my amazement I was happier, feeling healthy and stress-free. And that was JUST a 10 minute walk and it had gave me all these good feelings. I can't go anywhere exercising without my comfy trainers, iPod and my bottle of water.  Listening to music was my friend's idea - I can't believe I didn't think of this GENIUS idea in the beginning. When I listen to music the time flies by so quick.

Be comfortable - the key thing is to feel this.
If you can't do 60 minutes of exercise, don't worry! You will get there, I believe in you. Just keep trying and never give up. Remember to keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water.

Comment below and tell me if you have tried or you have issues with exercising, I'll get back at you asap!

Good Luck Fellow Friends. [; 

Super Sophia x


  1. My name is Melissa and i'm having troubles with fitting in with everyone else at playtimes. I'm a little bit chubby, and people don't like to play with me because they think i'm not fit enough. They call me all sorts of names like "Piggy Melly" and "Bigga Lissa". I don't want to leave the school because i absolutely love the lessons-and class teacher! I've been inspired by this blog and I've started cycling every saturday morning with my Pa. Its certainly fun and I get to build up a relationship with my Pa aswell. Thanks alot for the advice! Im certainly going to 'ThinkEat and ExcerciseHappily!'

  2. Well done Melissa. You are an excellent example of what people should be: Never giving up.
    Keep that cycling up! =D

